A man testing his blood sugal level with a testing kit

Is Keto Good For Diabetics?

Is Keto good for diabetics…?

Whilst this Website is aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of The Ketogenic Diet – We do encourage readers to consult with their Doctor about matters of underlying medical conditions, such as Diabetes…!

The keto diet can be very beneficial for diabetes… But there are some very important factors to be aware of. Is keto good for diabetes explores the question.

Is the Keto diet safe for Diabetics?

Simply put, the answer is a resounding yes… but, there are several important things you need to be aware of before you begin.

Type 1 Diabetes

With Type 1 Diabetes, it is much more important that you consult your Doctor before beginning the diet. It is essential that you carefully monitor your ketone levels and actively watch for signs of ‘Ketoacidosis‘.

Type 2 Diabetes

For people with Type 2 Diabetes there is plenty of evidence that supports the safe and healthy use of the Ketogenic Diet for weight-loss.


We recomend consulting with your own Doctor for any Diabetic type, including pre-diabetes, as there may need to be a modification to your medication.

Hypoglycemia is a risk if you lower your blood sugar too much… especially if you are taking medication such as Insulin. Detailed information on Hypoglycemia can be found here at www.diabetes.org

Ketosis – What does this mean for Diabetes?

Ketosis refers to the condition the body is in when the liver is producing ‘ketones‘ as the primary energy source. The Keto diet deliberately focusses on reducing carb intake to the point where your body essentially runs out of available blood sugar and creates ketones from the body’s stored fat.

Nutritional Ketosis and Ketogenic Diets

Stephen Phinney, MD, Ph.D, explains the science of nutritional ketosis, a natural metabolic state in which your body is fueled mainly by fats and ketones, instead of carbohydrates (glucose). Nutritional ketosis occurs when you follow a ketogenic diet.

Stephen Phinney is the Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Virta Health, the first clinically-proven treatment to safely and sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery.

Nutritional Ketosis & Ketogenic Diets (Part1) – Dr Stephen Phinney

As a physician-scientist with 40 years of experience divided between academic internal medicine and industry, Dr. Phinney has studied nutritional biochemistry with a long-term focus on low carbohydrate research and its benefits for physical performance and insulin sensitivity.

A Professor of Medicine Emeritus at University of California, Davis, Dr. Phinney is an internationally recognized expert on obesity, carbohydrate-restricted and ketogenic diets, diet and performance, and essential fatty acid metabolism.


This dangers of this condition cannot be over-emphasised.

Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition that people with Diabetes must be continually aware of.

On a keto diet, you are deliberately reducing the amount of carbs, and therefore reducing the available blood sugar available to burn for energy. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is caused when the body has an overload of ketones, or when the body has insufficient Insulin to use up the glucose in the blood.

As your body runs out of glucose on a keto diet, the body begins to turn stored fats into ketones for energy, but for Diabetes, specifically Type 1 Diabetics, the increased acidity of the blood caused by the increase in ketones, left unchecked, can be poisonous and life-threatening.

Ketoacidosis – The Warning Signs

Early Symptoms
  • Thirst
    • Thirst is a common symptom of Diabetes, but monitor the frequency and severity and be aware of an insatiable thirst or dry mouth.
  • Increased need for a wee
    • Look out for the need to urinate more frequently than normal.
  • High levels of Ketones in the Urine
    • Although the aim of the Keto diet is to reduce blood sugars and produce ketones… be aware of ketone levels rising too much.
Advanced Symptoms
  • Constant fatigue / tiredeness
  • Nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
    • If persisting for more than a couple of hours, seek medical attention.
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Bad breath that has a fruity smell
  • Having trouble maintaining focus or attention
    • Including bouts of confusion

Careful moiitoring of ketone levels is essential for people who are Diabetic and on the Keto diet. There are many choices for ketone levels monitoring kits that can test your blood or urine.

Is the Keto Diet Right For You?

The best answer to this question will come from your own Doctor.

Everyone is different, but for those with Diabetes, the need for a more personal health discussion is more acute.


For people with type 2 Diabetes, the Keto Diet can offer a perfectly healthy method of losing weight and perhaps even reduce the dependency on medications.

For others… ie, Type 1 Diabetes, the Ketogenic Diet or any ‘low-carb’ diet could worsen the symptoms of diebetes and make the condition worse.

Credits & Links :

Suggested Reading: Keto Diet Ultimate Beginners Guide

Sugar-free recipes for diabetes-friendly sweet-treats…

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